Allopurinol dosage

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    • #10533
      Gilles Corno

      Hello M. Taylor;
      I have been prescribed Allopurinol @ 50 mg by my doctor, without pain blockers or naproxen. My UA level is around 500 for a year now, and it was 400 last year for many years. Reading your forum, the 50 mg dosage is not sufficient, the 300 mg seems too low as well. In Canada I’m not sure what the maximum dosage is? The question is, how do I convince my doctor of a dosage in the 500 -600 even 800 mg like in the US? I do need your help.
      Thank you
      Gilles Corno
      Québec, Canada

    • #10534

      I’m not Keith but I can still tell you that the effectiveness of allopurinol varies quite a bit between individuals. Chances are, you do not actually require more than 300mg per day but there is no way around trial and error to find out what the appropriate dose might be. While 50mg per day is a very low dose, your doctor may have started you on that dose to see how well you tolerate this dangerous drug. Indeed, I would generally recommend people start with 50mg per day. If that was indeed only a starting dose, your doctor might want to look at the results of your next blood test before increasing your dose.

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