Why does gout pain return?

Why I had a Gout Attack after the previous one ?

Stopping Gout Together Forums Help My Gout! The Gout Forum Why I had a Gout Attack after the previous one ?

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    • #9428
      Jorge Unique

      Hi everybody !

      I would like to ask this question. I had a painful gout attack 2 weeks ago and yesterday I was almost cured again. I began to drink water, a lot. I began to take C Vitamin, Magnesium, a lot of vegetables, sodium bicarbonate, etc…

      I believed an alkaline protocol would cure my pain quickly. In fact, I had in the past pain for 30 days and I was feeling really good this time after two weeks. But today I had a terrible pain again. And again, I don’t know why. I am eating a lot of vegetables, drinking water and more. I feel better thanks to all the vitamins and diet I am using. But the pain today was horrible

      Why ? Has anyone experienced that like me before ? When he is almost cured, again feeling the pain ? Please I need your opinion. Thank you very much

    • #9429
      Keith Taylor

      Hi Jorge,

      Thank you for joining this forum.

      I would like to discuss a few points you have raised. But the main one for now is:

      But today I had a terrible pain again. And again, I don’t know why.

      Because I believe this is the most important issue. Then once we’ve discussed this I might ask more about some of your other points.

      I wonder if you know why gout pain happens. Because I can see that you are frustrated to see gout pain returning. So I have to ask you about your understanding of what gout pain is.

      I want to explain it in terms that mean something to you. So perhaps you could explain to me how you deal with other types of pain in your life? Say toothache, headache, or any other type of pain that has happened more than once.

      Why does gout pain return?

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