Contact Keith Taylor at GoutPal
Need to talk about gout? Read how to contact Keith at GoutPal.

- Public: Send me a public message at GoutPal's Gout Forum.
- Group: Share gout messages with GoutPal Links Subscribers.
- Private: Send me a private message by replying to your subscription receipt email from the Group option above.
Gout Forum History
I've hosted gout forums on my websites for over 20 years in various forms. Recently, I closed these. But you can continue to read old discussions. So just use GoutPal's Gout Search Engine to find topics of interest. Then, if you want to discuss any page, just copy the page address into your message.
To avoid the costs of hosting my own forums, I've partnered with Gumroad to use their communication systems. Mostly, I did this to provide you with news updates. Sadly, I have not committed much time to this recently. But Gumroad's services allow us to communicate effectively. So perhaps you can test them to encourage me with topics for my next newsletter?
Other Contact Options
I have retained a presence on Facebook and Twitter. However, I rarely use them. So you might get responses from other gout sufferers. But I'm unlikely to see them.
On a more positive note, I'm working on a new type of mutual support service. Including optional payments for public contributors. Which can be earned anonymously through invented usernames. Next year, I'll be asking for testers. But if you want to get involved from the beginning, start by sending me a message.

Your GoutPal Contact Options
If you are asking a question, it's best to:
- Search for that question in Google Gout Search Engine first.
- Choose the most relevant result.
- Refer to that result as you ask your question.
To contact me, choose any or all of the following:
- Public: Send me a public message at GoutPal's Gout Forum.
- Group: Share gout messages with GoutPal Links Subscribers.
- Private: Send me a private message by replying to your subscription receipt email from the Group option above.
Potentially, there is a fourth option. Which is replying to my annotations. Because I believe I get notified when someone replies to my note. However, nobody has tested this yet. Perhaps you'll be the first?
Leave Contact Keith Taylor at GoutPal to browse the Gout and Uric Acid Blog.