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6 years ago I gave up trying to communicate with Keith about banaba. He clearly has some other agenda. I’ve been using banaba all these years. Almost completely pain free. How many allopurinol users can claim that.
VAD and EA in banaba more effective than allopurinol.
Simply google xanthine oxidase inhibitors. There are many articles about natural inhibitors. Keith manages to find the one article about XO inhibitors that is unsubstantiated rot which he posts to his site. To all: Do your own research.
My apologies to you. I am so glad to hear that you only want to share a bit of information. I had thought that your aggressive line of questioning had another motive.
I would like you to share the source of your important warning information about banaba. When I search for safety information about banaba all I find is “generally recognized as safe”
I will share some more about banaba. It was an advertisement on your site for Urcinol that mentioned the importance of banaba for treating gout. Upon further reading including especially the article I cited in my first post, I decided that the makers of Urcinol were on the right track.
Since you believe that Banaba is potentially poisonous, I’m sure you will want to share the safety and efficacy information you received from the makers of Urcinol before you agreed to host their ads.
Thanks so much,
You can answer most of your questions yourself. Simply google banaba and start reading. Its what I did.
I started 8 months ago with a low dose of the ordinary extract available from many supplement suppliers. My feet reported good results, but I was not free of pain. I paid attention to my feet, and slowly increased the dosage. I take the tincture 1 ml with water 3 times per day on an empty stomach. But as I said, I started low.