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  • jason-smith1977

    I am myself searching for leads regarding this issue. This is the man(Dr. Martin Fussenegger) who heads the research:

    Prof. Dr. Martin Fussenegger
    ETH Zurich
    Prof. Dr. Martin Fussenegger
    Dep. Biosysteme
    phone +41 61 387 31 60
    fax +41 61 387 39 88

    I actually sent a mail but haven’t received a response yet. If anyone gets more information please tell me. Since this is a site of people suffering from gout, I felt that I should post the information here so that more people can become aware that a cure is quite likely around the corner and they can make inquires of their own doctors and friends about this research. I should like to know at what stage this research is, since it worked quite well with mice.

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