Resolve Your Gout Concerns Today
One gout concern leads to another. Soon you're overwhelmed by uric acid treatment choices. Find your way out of the gout maze today.

Gout Concerns
Currently, my biggest project is to improve my plans for helping you manage uric acid and gout. So I'm revamping the Gout Sufferer Questions section. In particular, I'm focusing on providing practical ways for you to get relevant advice from your doctor.
To get started, you should select one concern from the list below. Later, you might add more than one concern. But for the best start, select whichever gout concern resonates with you the most.
Uric Acid Drugs Concerns
"I want to control uric acid using drugs"
I'm working on simpler ways to plan uric acid control with prescription medicines. But I haven't finished it yet. So in the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Patients.
Uric Acid Diet Concerns
"I want to control uric acid using diet"
I'm working on simpler ways to plan uric acid control with eating pattern changes. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Dieters.
Uric Acid Herbs Concerns
"I want to control uric acid using alternative therapies"
I often refer to "herbal gout remedies". But I'm refocusing herbalist plans as "Complementary and Integrative Gout Therapies". In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Herbalists.
Learn Uric Acid Control
"I want to control uric acid, but not sure how"
I'm working on simpler ways to learn and compare different uric acid control techniques. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Students.
Uric Acid Denial
"I want to stop getting gout attacks but don't want to control uric acid"
I'm working on simpler ways to explain the importance of uric acid control. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Victims.
Other Arthritis Concerns
"I want to be certain that I have gout"
I'm working on simpler ways to get better gout diagnosis. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Arthritis Sufferers.
Gout Eating Concerns
"I want to eat the right things to stop getting gout attacks"
I'm working on simpler ways to plan healthy eating patterns for gout. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Gout Foodies.
Secondary Gout Concerns
"I want to stop something that is causing my gout"
I'm working on simpler ways to overcome avoidable uric acid causes. In the meantime, see GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout.
Other Gout Concerns
What if your biggest gout concern is not listed above? Once I publish the details for all those concerns, I will add a list of common issues and questions. Then you might start with one of those.
In the meantime, I suggest you...
- Write down all your gout concerns in your gout plan.
- Start with the one that is most important to you.
- Type that concern into the Google Gout Search Engine.
- Add notes from the results pages to your gout plan.
- Discuss the concerns with your health professionals.
It's a good idea to get into the habit of telling me if you need clarification about any of my results pages in step 4. So ask in the Gout Forum.
Your Gout Concerns
You have learned how I want to help you identify your gout concerns. Then you can discuss and resolve these concerns with your doctors. And/or collaborate with me to explain how gout facts apply to your situation. So your first task is to start a record of your concerns. Then you can update that list as you learn more. Or as you resolve your concerns with your health advisers.
I recommend using MindMup to manage your concerns. And I will provide separate guidance on how to use the free MindMup service.
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